Narcan/Naloxone Request

2025 Free Virtual NARCAN®/Naloxone Training

To learn more or register, call 618-512-1781 or email

Everyone's confidentiality will be honored.

Be Prepared to Save a Life

NARCAN®/naloxone is a potentially lifesaving medication designed to help reverse the effects of an opioid overdose in minutes. Since most opioid overdoses occur in the home and are most often witnessed, having a NARCAN®/naloxone rescue kit nearby can make all the difference.


If someone you know takes illegal opioids or prescription opioids, such as oxycodone or hydrocodone for pain, be prepared for a possible life-threatening opioid overdose emergency.

As part of our mission, we offer NARCAN/naloxone free of cost to anyone in our service area to help with harm reduction. 

NARCAN®/naloxone nasal spray was developed to be used at home without the need for any medical training. If you suspect an opioid overdose, administer NARCAN®/naloxone nasal spray and get emergency medical assistance right away. NARCAN®/naloxone is an opioid overdose reversal medication and should be part of an opioid safety checklist.

Please see indication and important safety information at

Funding provided in full or in part through a State Opioid Response Grant to the Illinois DHS SUPR from the U.S. DHHS, SAMHSA, and the Mental Health Boards of Madison and St. Clair Counties.